Hey guys! As you know, Jamee and I live in Brooklyn...Bed Stuy to be exact. But if you've ever noticed from our posts we NEVER talk about doing anything in BK. So now we're trying!
Recently we went to a cookout in CROWN HEIGHTS (Brooklyn). After that experience...I will try my hardest to NEVER go to there again!! LOL. I know you can't judge an entire neighborhood by a few streets...a few blocks...idk...maybe you can. We did quite a bit of walking over there and it all seemed bad to me! Lol. Sorry if I offend anyone who lives there...but lemme tell ya'll what happened
When we get off the train, we're greeted by a local man trying desperately to get Jamee's attention.
Him: "Ay! I like those white shorts!"
Her: "Thanks"
Him: "Yeah I like dem white shorts!"
Him: "I like dem white shorts!"
Him: "Ay white shorts! white shorts!"
*Please note he kept going on and on...sometimes you just have to keep walking and not look back*
Just let us make it to the cookout...
We kept walking and we both suddenly felt a sense of fear as we walked through the neighborhood...like at any point in time somebody might jump out of a monte carlo or charger and snatch us up. After being slightly lost, we finally make it to the cookout...which was cool. Some of my favorite quotes from the night:
"If you not from New York, you might as well be dead"
"Yo...lemme get that C-roc...nah it ain't Ciroc...I call it C-roc" *blank stare*
"Tell her I think she's ugly" (An 8 year old girl didn't find us attractive)
Lying for no real reason at all...
We were so tired (after our boxing bootcamp earlier in the day-more details another day) that we (or mostly I) made up a lie about needing to leave because our roommate and her niece (Hey Saba!) were locked out. I even did a little acting with a fake phone conversation. Lol. Ya'll..don't judge...I was really tired and these guys wanted to hang out longer...and the uncle was trying to get my number. I just wasn't in the mood!!! LOL.
After leaving the cookout drained and not ready to endure the scariness of the neighborhood, we finally set on our journey. As we approach Fulton St, we were taken aback by a police barricade, ambulances, and a group of onlookers. We learned that there had just been a shooting. At this point, we were completely OVER our experience in Crown Heights.
Me: "Please...let's just hurry up and get back to Utica"
Jamee: "I know...I would've never thought I wanted to be back at Utica"
Keep in mind, we always talk about how bad Utica is...and how we want to move. But on this night...we couldn't wait to get back! Lol.
In the train station in CH we had to wait with a family of subway rats ON THE PLATFORM!!! I was completely disgusted. Ok...yeah...rats in NY is not uncommon...but rats ON THE PLATFORM is not common (at least not for me).
When we finally get back to Utica...we were drained of all life and energy and desperately wanting to get home. So much in fact...that we decided to RUN DOWN MALCOLM X!!!! We did not care! People were looking at us like we were crazy...BUT WE DID NOT CARE! When we finally decided to slow down a guy randomly asked us if we were twins!! Now...ya'll have seen us. We look nothing alike! And of course there were the normal crazies bothering us...but all of this was better than being in Crown Heights. Lol
LOL "Tell her I think she's ugly" classic!