(Ironically saw this, this morning walking up the stairs at work)
Ok you guys here I sit at my mundane 8-5 job, that for at the moment, is not providing me with the stimulus in which I need to conquer my goals. As you all know, I moved here to pursue my dreams and aspirations, and for those that know me, know that once I set my mind on something there’s no stopping until I do it. But as I sit here and think about all the things I aspired to do once I got here, I feel as though I have lost sight of that very thing. Chasing a dream by no means is an easy feat, but like countless others I’m determined to fulfill them. I’ve always lived my life with the mentally that you only live once so why not do what it is you love. I never want to look back on my life’s journey with the shoulda, coulda, woulda’s. And although that philosophy is nothing new to me, quite frankly I’ve done a lot of self doubting as of late. I ran across this post from Terrence J on a celeb blog that I read, and it spoke volumes as to how I feel. It was just the reminder I needed to help get my vision back and remember what it is I came here for.
"Today is a new day. A new opportunity to follow your dreams. Take advantage of this blessing. Take that leap. Whatever your dream is, you have to step towards it. The more steps you take the more the universe will conspire to assist you…
If you want to run a label, quit your job at the bank & intern at a label. If you want to be a doctor, apply to school today, etc. I wanted to act, so every week I go to acting school for 14 hours, study film & actors, read about projects, etc. Once I took steps, roles came.
A girl replied, how can I pay my bills if I quit my job to follow my dreams? – when following your dreams you will be temporarily inconvenienced. Tyler Perry was HOMELESS years before becoming a MILLIONAIRE. Only you can determine the amount of sacrifice your dreams are worth.
Before 106 I had a job making 30k but I wasnt happy. I quit. Moved to NY, worked small jobs to get by, & lived on @FredWhit FLOOR 8 MONTHS! I just meet so many people that want to reach their goals & then complain when it sounds hard! Go watch Pursuit of Happiness
Everybody has a different story. U may have kids, mortgage, bills, etc. But God is powerful. There is always a way to follow your dreams!"
I'll end with this...at the end of the day I want to be able to look back on my life, have this type of story to share and say "I wouldn’t of had it any other way" :)
P.s. for those that are wondering why my title is in Jazmine Sullivan's voice, she has a song I love titled "Dream Big" (I'm cheesy I know)
<3 IT!!! That just inspired me!!!! Go JAMEE!!! P.S. is there room for me at your place when I come visit??? :-)
ReplyDeleteHey honey...keep dreaming...it's happening! You've made more steps towards your realization than you know. PS...that song is my ring tone :)
ReplyDeleteWe're all in this together!
Love it! Dream...DO...or Die!