Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My PSA for the day....

…….......Omg I really feel horrible for not making a blog since Nov 5th, so much to the point that I was embarrassed to even show my face, but here I ‘am and instead of starting off with the same ol’ spill (Sorry for my lack of posts) Ill just jump into it and hope you guys understand!

So here we are 12 days into the new year and one month shy of our 6mo anniversary here in the city! I wouldn’t be honest if I said it hasn’t had its share of ups and downs (more ups than downs though) but being the person I ‘am I try not to focus on the downs, and quite frankly I don’t think they can really be considered downs. I say that only because despite my endless thoughts of confusion and sometimes doubtfulness as to why I’m here, I see the cup as half full rather than half empty. Meaning that although I think I’m suffering from a quarter of a century crisis, I know this is only the beginning and one day Ill look back on these times and will have countless “remember the time when” stories to share. With that being said when this blog started (I speak as though its been around for ages huh) its intent was to let friends and family take a look at our lives here in the big city. But sometimes I just want to vent, randomly blab on about my thoughts and even post things that have nothing to do with my life here. So I say alllll that just to say I hope you guys don’t mind that sometimes my posts will have no grand story about all the “cool” stuff happening here in NY but just me being me..... sharing thoughts or random tidbits as only I could (those of you who know me, know that 9 times out of 10 a word often used to describe me is random or weird, which I still dont understand why hehe) ok moving on… See post to follow.

Yours Truly

1 comment:

  1. I think you should blog about whatever you want!! I still read them!!! :)
    Love ya girl stay safe - Trish
